Can Rabbits Eat: Apple, Celery, Cucumber (110+ Foods)

Rabbit Take almost a thousand types of natural foods Including Apple, Celery, Cucumber, pears, etc. We make a list of the familiar 100+ foods that can rabbit eat.
Can Rabbits Eat Apples?
Is Apple good?
- Yes, Apple is a healthy choice for rabbits.
- Feed once in a week helps to digest properly with the skin.
- One or two pieces of apple is enough for your pet’s health.
- Chop into small pieces and feed your rabbit.
- Apple contains flavonoids that strengths bones.
- Green apples contain a high level of nutrition & helpful for rabbits.
Is Apple bad?
- Keep a balanced level because it contains high sugar ingredients.
- Apple is good for health but excessive intake is harmful to your pet.
- Some apples contain substantial chemicals which are harmful to the rabbit. Make sure the apples are freshly bought.
Can Rabbits Eat Lettuce
Is Lettuce good for rabbits?
- No, lettuce is not recommended for rabbits. It creates digastric problem inside their body.
- A small amount of dark & green leafy is good; they contain pure fiber and nutrients.
Is Lettuce bad?
- Yes, lettuce is harmful to rabbits.
- Lettuce contains an amount of lactucarium; it causes diarrhea.
- Lettuce have high amount of water and less nourishing components.
Can Rabbits Eat Pears
Is Pear good for rabbits?
- Definitely, pear is good for rabbit, but veterinary physician suggest to feed a small amount in a weak.
- Feed your bunny a light portion of amount ( ¾ times a weak is beneficial).
- Only fresh ones are fit for rabbits’ body rather than cooked or dried pears.
Is Pear bad?
- Existence of high sugar; it’s not helpful.
- Excess amount of feeding lead to diseases like diarrhea, weight increase or GI stasis.
- Fruit is okay but pear seeds contain cyanide; its best to avoid it.
- Boiled or dried pear contains more sugar than fresh one; its harmful to your bunny.
Can Rabbits Eat Onions
Is Onion good?
- Onions have huge vitamins & minerals; so beneficial for the human being but somehow it’s not good for your pet rabbit. It’s like a toxic to them.
Is Onion bad?
- Onion leads to hemolytic anemia which changes the form of red blood cells and restricts to hold or deliver oxygen.
- Onion gives an anaphylactic reaction on rabbit & makes them violent.
Can Rabbits Eat Green Peppers
Is Green Pepper good?
- Of course, rabbit can take green peppers; it’s so useful for them.
- Green pepper has huge amount of vitamin C, manganese, and some other high nutrition ingredients.
- Low fat but high notorious fibers, safe for diabetic’s disorder.
Is Green Pepper bad?
- Too much feeding of green peppers leads to diarrhea.
Can Rabbits Eat Peanut Butter?
Is Peanut Butter good for rabbits?
- No, Peanut Butter is not good for rabbit.
Is Peanut Butter bad?
- Yes, Peanut Butter is bad for rabbits.
- It contains high level of fat ingredients.
- Harmful to rabbit’s stomach.
- Peanut butter is very hard to consume.
- Reduce weights & leads to other health-related disorder.
Watermelon Rinds
Is Watermelon Rind good for rabbits?
- Yes, Watermelon rind is good for rabbits; but this is not a mandatory item.
- Through watermelon rinds contain huge sugar levels; somehow it is beneficial for rabbit’s health.
- Feed a minimal portion or slice in a week (one or two times in a week).
- Ripened watermelon is so healthy for your bunny.
Is Watermelon Rind bad for rabbits?
- Watermelon rind has high sugar level which is not good.
Is Wheatgrass good for rabbits?
- This is the most imperative of a rabbit’s diet.
- Young bunnies should be uncovered to hay as soon as they can eat on possess.
- Mixed grassland (timothy, meadow, oat, rye, barley or Bermuda grasses) hay is lower in calcium and calories.
- Alfalfa (and clover, peas, beans or peanut) is not recommended.
Is Wheatgrass bad for rabbits?
- Wheatgrass is bad about getting hairballs.
- I know some cat stuff can be used on rabbits, but not all of it.
- Many causes of intestinal stasis in rabbits exist, but the No. 1 cause is an inappropriate diet.
Is Marigold good for rabbits?
- It’s the Pot Marigolds that are rabbit safe.
- They are big orange and yellow flowers.
- often sold as cut flowers.
Is Marigold bad for rabbits?
- It’s the Pot Marigolds that are rabbit safe.
- good if you want something to pop in a vase inside that you don’t need to.
French Fries
Is French Fries good for bunnies?
- bunnies can’t eat French fries, burgers, or any other fast food.
- Foods that have been fried are potentially fatal to rabbits, so never, ever attempt to feed them any.
Is French Fries bad for bunnies?
- Fast food isn’t good for us, let alone a little bunny with a complex and delicate digestive system.

Is Celery good for rabbits?
- Rabbits prefer to taste different types of vegetables, including carrots celery.
- Celery is safe for your bunny but it is recommended to start them off with small amounts.
Is Celery bad for rabbits?
- You can gradually increase the amount over a few days if your pet doesn’t show signs of stomach upset or diarrhea.
Is Asparagus good for rabbits?
- Well, the answer is yes, rabbits can eat asparagus.
- However, it’s important to keep in mind that the core of a rabbits diet really needs to be fresh.
- Also need high-quality timothy, fresh clean water, and rabbit pellets.
Is Asparagus bad for rabbits?
- Well, the answer is No, rabbits can eat asparagus.
- It’s good for rabbit’s health.
Is Corn good for rabbits?
- Some types of seeds (especially things like “Canadian peas” and corn kernels) have hulls that are indigestible to a rabbit.
- Can cause life-threatening intestinal impactions/blockages.
- Show your bunny how much you love him by providing him with a healthy diet.
Is Corn bad for rabbits?
- Corn, fresh or dried, is NOT safe for rabbits.
- Can cause life-threatening intestinal impactions/blockages.
Is Peaches good for rabbits?
- The high amount of sugar eludes the balance of microorganisms in their gut; Rabbit relies on for digestion.
- It can cause the production of gas which can be throbbing for them.
Is Peaches bad for rabbits?
- A small amount of fruit is cool as an unusual part of a rabbit’s diet, but not so many or too often.
Iceberg Lettuce
Is Iceberg Lettuce good for rabbits?
- Some lettuce is “worse” than others – light-colored varieties are high in water.
- Have very little nutritional value, so are not recommended.
Is Iceberg Lettuce bad for rabbits?
- Rabbits shouldn’t eat some lettuces (e.g. iceberg) as they contain lactucarium which can be harmful in large quantities.
- so are not recommended.
Is Rosemary good for rabbits?
- Rosemary is Safe Herbs.
- Some herbs are safe for rabbits,
- These grasp basil, oregano, parsley, dill, cilantro, caraway, rosemary, sage,& some other good-quality ingredients.
- Many are found in local stores or backyard gardens.
Is Rosemary bad for rabbits?
- Unfortunately, they also eat their way through the landscape along with rabbits and other cute furry creatures.
- Rabbit or rodent injure will leave a clean cut surface typically at a 45-degree approach like a good pair of Falcon prunes.
Is Beet good for rabbits?
- Most of the vegan ingredients we provide rabbits have a low to zero level of oxalic acid.
- But a few, most notably parsley, mustard greens, and spinach have relatively high levels.
Is Beet bad for rabbits?
- These foods are nutritious.
- Do not need to be excluded from the diet if you feed them appropriately.
Mustard Greens
Is Mustard Green good for rabbits?
- Vegans that should be acknowledged as part of your rabbit’s diet:
- Alfalfa, radish, and clover sprouts.
- Beet greens.
- Bell Peppers (green, red, yellow…).
- Bok Choy.
- Some bunnies may find this a rather “gassy” veggie. If diarrhea occurs, remove from the diet.
Is Mustard Green bad for rabbits?
- It Is really good for rabbit.
- Highly recommended.

Is Tomato Leaf good for rabbits?
- The green leafy parts of vegetables are best for rabbits to eat.
- These are low in calories and high in fiber.
Is Tomato Leaf bad for rabbits?
- Keep in mind that some plants are toxic, and some plants are a mix – for example whilst tomatoes are safe to eat.
- The Leaf of the tomato plant are poisonous.
Is Herb good for rabbits?
- Some herbs are safe for rabbits.
- Many are found in local stores or home gardens.
- These include high-quality components such as basil, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, tarragon, peppermint, lavender and so on.
Is Herb bad for rabbits?
- Some herbs are safe for rabbits.
Is Cucumber good for rabbits?
- Yes, but in very small amounts.
- Cucumbers can be a healthful and fun snack for your rabbit but not to a greater extent.
Is Cucumber bad for rabbits?
- Cucumber is not a nutritionally dense food for your bunny.
- Don’t feed him too little as it can cause digestive troubles that could lead to runny stools (rabbit diarrhea) and a poor need to eat.
Is Blueberries good for rabbits?
- Yes, but sparingly.
- Even with the cardinal rule about feeding fruits that have no seeds to your pet rabbit.
- Blueberries do enclose seeds, but it is too diminutive to be noticed.
Is Blueberries bad for rabbits?
- Like strawberries that also have seeds accurately worn on its sleeves.
- the seed of a blueberry can be eat.
- your pet rabbit won’t even perceive it.

Is Mushroom good for rabbits?
- Nightshade, Snowdrop, Privet, Hemlock, Foxglove, Iceberg lettuce, Potatoes, Daffodil, Lilies, Mushrooms, Avocado, Broad, Oak, Buttercup, beans, Jasmine, Any vegetation from evergreen trees.
- Just retain information if in doubt, do not feed it to your rabbit!
Is Mushroom bad for rabbits?
- Absolutely do not feed these as they are venomous to rabbits:
- Potatoes, Daffodil, Mushrooms, Avocado, Broad beans, Buttercup and some leave from evergreen trees.
Is Avocado good for rabbits?
- Bunnies should definitely not be fed avocado.
- It can cause serious problems for your rabbit or potentially death, so please avoid it.
- Instead, be make sure you are feeding a diet that is high in fiber.
- Timothy hay should be available at all times, and quality rabbit pellets are good to have around as well.
Is Avocado bad for rabbits?
- Rabbits should definitely not be fed avocado.
- It can cause serious problems for your rabbit or potentially death, so please avoid it.
Is Melon good for rabbits?
- If the cantaloupe is not yet ripened it has much fiber,
- You can give it to your rabbit like that.
Is Melon bad for rabbits?
- Your rabbit will be well hydrated.
- Rabbits can also eat watermelon for a better water consumption on a hot day.
- Always check if the fruit is not wilted.
Is Squash good for rabbits?
- Apart from their regular diet that is based on fresh hay, grass, and water.
- Rabbits also enjoy different vegetables and fruits.
- But, these foods should be given to rabbits only occasionally.
Is Squash bad for rabbits?
- It is recommended to combine different vegetables and fruits that are safe for rabbits.
- If you’ve noticed that your rabbit loves it.
Is Eggplant good for rabbits?
- In this post, we will discuss whether rabbits can eat eggplant or not.
- Remember, the most important thing for your rabbit to have is high-quality timothy hay.
- Fresh and unsoiled water, as well as superiority rabbit pellets on each day basis.
Is Eggplant bad for rabbits?
- Some including myself thought it was.
- The great thing about writing these posts is that you learn all kinds of things like this!
- It is a fruit that is grown all over the world and there.
Is Alfalfa good for rabbits?
- Rabbits desperately need fiber and other things that pellets do not provide.
Is Alfalfa bad for rabbits?
- If you get a rabbit one-year-old or younger, they should eat Alfalfa hay.
- If your rabbit is older than one time, they ought to get Timothy or Oat silage.
Is Yogurt good for rabbits?
- Yogurt or dairy products should never be fed to rabbits.
- Lactobacillus/Acidobacillus are not a natural host of the adult rabbit intestinal.
Is Yogurt bad for rabbits?
- if surviving the passage through the acid stomach.
- It will not survive the anaerobic conditions of the cecum.
Is Kohlrabi good for rabbits?
- Be alert that iceberg lettuce is habitually water and can grounds diarrhea.
- Carrots are sugar-rich and may cause intestinal problems in some rabbits.
- Breccias (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kohlrabi, mustard greens) may cause gas and soft, reeking poops.
Is Kohlrabi bad for rabbits?
- Really bad for rabbit.
- Carrots are sugar-rich and possibly will cause intestinal harms in some rabbits.
- Brassicas (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kohlrabi, mustard greens) may cause gas and soft, malodorous poops.
Is Kale good for rabbits?
- Most of the fresh vegetables we feed rabbits have a low to zero level of oxalic acid.
- a few, nearly everyone remarkably parsley, mustard greens, and spinach have moderately high levels.
- Note that kale, which is often caught up as a high oxalate food is in point of fact very low in oxalates.
Is Kale bad for rabbits?
- Rabbits can eat countless vegetables, including broccoli, beans, beet tops, carrots, lettuce, and peas.
- They will devour many mechanism flowers including tulip shoots in the mechanism.
- Rabbits can also cause a great deal of smash-up by chewing the bark, buds, and stems of woody undergrowth.

Is Mango good for rabbits?
- Yes, if you do feed mango, just make sure to feed sparingly.
- Highly Approached.
Is Mango bad for rabbits?
- Do this as a priority.
- This along with some fresh veggies fed in moderation and the occasional fruit as a treat fed sparingly.
- you should be on your way to a happy and healthy bunny.
Is Cheese good for rabbits?
- Cheese or other dairy products are not good for rabbits.
- If fed in any significant amount will lead to digestive issues and potential health problems.
Is Cheese bad for rabbits?
- Instead of cheese, keep in intelligence the most imperative thing you can give food to your rabbit is high-quality timothy hay, fresh and unsoiled water, and superiority rabbit pellets.
Is Oats good for rabbits?
- The answer is yes, rabbits can eat oats.
- However, that does not represent you should feed a large amount of oats to your rabbit.
Is Oats bad for rabbits?
- A healthy adult rabbit will do best on a diet that is high in high-quality fiber such as timothy hay.
- Having fresh and clean water and quality rabbit pellets on hand daily.
Is Turnip good for rabbits?
- This is so far removed from standard feeding directions for rabbits that there is no cause for apprehension in feeding these wholesome foods.
- Beyond abundant greens, you can give food to supplementary vegetables such as for cause vegetables or “flowers” such as broccoli and cauliflower.
Is Turnip bad for rabbits?
- Other widespread foods to avoid include cabbage, parsnips, and tomato Leaf.
- Vegetables that Safe foods to feed your bunny include hay preferably Timothy hay, as it contains the most nutrients, and not alfalfa, as it tends to contain too much calcium.
Is Lavender good for rabbits?
- Rabbit Resistant Plants.
- It should be no surprise that plant life with strong heady scent or fuzzy Leaf, like lavender and black-eyed Susan, are less all the rage with rabbits.
- Unfortunately, these plants won’t deter them completely.
Is Lavender bad for rabbits?
- Yes, in fact, rabbits can eat dandelions, and numerous rabbits will do so in the wild.
- And remember, the good number important mania you can do for your pet rabbit is to make sure that you’re feeding high quality and fresh timothy hay, quality rabbit pellets, and fresh and clean water daily.
Is Apricots good for rabbits?
- Fruits (and vegetables) be supposed to not be given to rabbits that are less than 12 weeks elderly.
- Good choices of unmarked fruit include apple, apricot, banana (not too often), peach, mango, plum, pineapple, papaya, apricot, and berries.
Is Apricots bad for rabbits?
- It is far enhanced to identify and recognize the foods and plants/weeds that are safe for your rabbit to eat and then leave out every other single plant or type of food.
- The golden rule, in this case, is except you are.
- In addition, the pits of apricots, peaches, and plums contain cyanide compounds.
Is Acorn good for rabbits?
- An acorn is otherwise known as an oak nut is a nut produced by the oak tree.
- It contains an on its own seed which is together with this in a touch, leathery-textured shell and has a cup-shaped cupule.
- They measure between one to six cm long and are one to four cm wide.
Is Acorn bad for rabbits?
- Well, the good thing is that they lack the starch and sugars that are not good for rabbits but they do contain oxalic acid which is not good for them.
- This means that rabbits can eat acorn squeeze in small amounts not many time a week at the nearly everyone but it is best to be kept to the lowest amount.
Is Lime good for rabbits?
- You will find that there are several species of citrus trees whose fruits are called limes, including the Key lime, Persian lime, kaffir lime, and desert lime.
- So rabbits can eat.
Is Lime bad for rabbits?
- As you can see limes contain a little phosphorus, calcium, acid, sugar, and a hint of fat.
- They are safe for rabbits to eat.
Is Tomato good for rabbits?
- Rabbits can eat tomato fruits (avoid tomato plants as they’re toxic to your bunny).
- But because tomato fruits have a great deal of sugar, they should only be fed on occasion and in small quantities.
Is Tomato bad for rabbits?
- Yes, rabbits can eat tomatoes, but only as a treat.
- Small or large, juicy or not, red or yellow, cherry or not, tomatoes are not poisonous.
- The fruit is not frightful for rabbits except for all deposit parts like the Leaf, vines, flowers, and stems which are noxious.

Is Orange good for rabbits?
- Oranges, like many supplementary fruits and veggies, are safe for rabbits to eat.
- However, they are supposed to not make up the immensity of a rabbit’s diet.
Is orange bad for rabbits?
- There are a few enormous benefits to feeding your rabbit oranges in tiny quantities.
- Offering them as motivational treats that may lend a hand train your rabbit.
Sweet Potatoes
Is Sweet Potato good for rabbits?
- Sweet potato is a vegetable that is big, prudish and sweet tasting.
- It is a root vegetable that has adolescent Leaf and shoots that are every so often eaten as greens.
Is Sweet Potato bad for rabbits?
- It is only distantly related to the potato.
- Let’s take a look at its nutritional data, in particular, its sugar, fat.

Is Grass good for rabbits?
- Good quality hay and/or grass, always available, should constitute the majority of rabbits’ diets.
- Rabbits graze, obviously eating grass/other plants for long periods, largely at dawn and dusk.
- Rabbits’ digestive systems necessitate grass and/or hay to occupation properly.
Is Grass bad for rabbits?
- Rabbits graze, naturally eating grass/other plants for extensive periods, mainly at daybreak and nightfall.
- Rabbits’ digestive systems require grass and/or hay to meaning appropriately.
- Hay and/or meadow as they’re much more imperative than marketable rabbit pellets (‘nuggets’).
Red Cabbage
Is Red Cabbage good for rabbits?
- Leafy greens should make up approximately 75% of the fresh vegetables fed daily.
- The following list contains leafy greens known to be safe to for rabbits to eat. Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) – may cause gas.
- Too much can cause enlargement of the thyroid and digestive problems.
Is Red Cabbage bad for rabbits?
- The following list contains leafy greens known to be safe to for rabbits to eat.
- Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) – may cause gas. Too much can cause enlargement of the thyroid and digestive problems.
Is Watercress good for rabbits?
- The volume of fresh foods should be ended up of leafy greens (about 75% of the fresh part of the diet).
Is Watercress bad for rabbits?
- Rabbits love their food and enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables as part of an unprejudiced diet.
- The chief part of a rabbit’s diet should be unrestricted amounts of fresh hay (if at all possible Timothy or Meadow Hay), grass, and plenty of clean water accessible.
Mint Leaf
Is Mint Leaf good for rabbits?
- Fresh mint and supplementary fresh vegetables can do a good job of adding some needed assortment in the diet, as well as added vitamins and natural resources.
- Rabbit should eat a plenty of balance amount.
- Fresh timothy hay as a priority, and feed the imprint of self-control.
Is Mint Leaf bad for rabbits?
- Yes but just make sure to makes sure your rabbit is eating plenty of high quality.
- Fresh timothy hay as a priority, and feed the mint in moderation.
Is Egg good for rabbits?
- Not eating enough hay.
- Rabbits will eat pellets all day long.
- The recommended amount is one egg cupful (25g) per kg of rabbit.
Is Egg bad for rabbits?
- If they are allowed to do this then they will not eat hay, which has a serious effect on their health, overgrown teeth and will not be eating enough fiber.
Dandelion Greens
Is Dandelion Green good for rabbits?
- Dandelions are definitely safe for your rabbit to eat.
- Dandelions are very nutritious and contain even more beta-carotene than carrots, more iron and calcium than spinach, and more potassium than bananas.
Is Dandelion Green bad for rabbits?
- Yes, in fact, rabbits can eat dandelions, and numerous rabbits will do so in the undomesticated.
- However, if you are to feed dandelions to your darling rabbit.
- It’s crucial that they don’t have any traces of wildflower killer or pesticides.
Is Marrow good for rabbits?
- As you can see essence contains some phosphorus, is very acidic, has a hint of fat in addition to some sweetie.
- If they have any more than that then it will hurt their stomachs.
Is Marrow bad for rabbits?
- This means that spirit is not the greatest thing that rabbits and they can only eat it in diminutive amounts to snack at.

Is Grape good for rabbits?
- They should be specified in inadequate quantity because they also have high sugar content like fruit does.
- Carrots are also okay for rabbits to eat.
Is Grape bad for rabbits?
- Too much grape is bad for rabbits.
Is Pumpkin good for rabbits?
- Pumpkin is Safe Herbs.
- Some herbs are safe for rabbits.
Is Pumpkin bad for rabbits?
- Numerous are found in local stores or backyard gardens.
- These contain basil, oregano, sage, tarragon, lavender, lemon balm, comfrey, and clover.
Is Zucchini good for rabbits?
- There is no cause for apprehension in feeding these nutritious foods.
- Root vegetables or “flowers” such as broccoli and cauliflower.
Is Zucchini bad for rabbits?
- Other common foods to avoid include cabbage, parsnips, swedes (rutabaga or turnip), potato, and tomato Leaf.
- Vegetables that Safe foods to feed your bunny include hay preferably Timothy hay, as it contains the most nutrients, and not alfalfa, as it tends to contain too much calcium
Guinea Pig Food
Is Guinea Pig Food good for rabbits?
- Yes, guinea pig food is good for rabbits.
- Rabbits will not suffer it takes guinea pig food.
Is Guinea Pig Food bad for rabbits?
- It is not bad but not make this food as a habit of the rabbit.
- Though Guinea pig food is not bad for rabbits. but sometimes rabbit food is bad for the guinea pig.
Romaine Lettuce
Is Romaine Lettuce good for rabbits?
- Yes, it is very good for rabbits.
- It is very healthy and good choice for rabbit veg.
- Romaine Lettuce contains actual nutrients and higher in fiber.
- It can avoid the digestive problem of rabbits.
Is Romaine Lettuce bad for rabbits?
- It is not bad for rabbits.
- Large amounts of lettuce are not good for rabbits, can cause digestive upset.
Is Arugula good for rabbits?
- It is very good for rabbits.
- Arugula can provide a healthy snack for your rabbit.
- Many rabbits will like the taste of arugula.
- It is safe for rabbit, but make sure to feed in moderation.
Is Arugula bad for rabbits?
- Arugula is not bad for rabbits and it should be considered as a supplement, not a substitute.
Is Nectarine good for rabbits?
- Yes, it is safe to feed your rabbit.
- It is a smooth-skinned fruit.
- It contains a combination of vitamins A, B, C and lower in calories.
Is Nectarine bad for rabbits?
- No, it is not bad for rabbits.
Is Honey good for rabbits?
- No honey is not good for rabbits.
Is Honey bad for rabbits?
- Yes, honey is bad for rabbits.
- It contains high sugar that is not suitable for rabbits.
- It can cause digestive system problem for the rabbit.
Dried Cranberries
Is Dried Cranberries good for rabbits?
- Yes, Dried Cranberries is good for rabbits.
- Feed this food 3-5 time a day.
Is Dried Cranberries bad for rabbits?
- No, it is not bad for rabbit but feed a few at a time as it contains high in sugar.
Oak Leaf
Is Oak Leaf good for rabbits?
- No, it is not good for rabbits.
- It may cause rabbit stomach upset.
- It is not a prime food for the rabbit.
- It is tasty for rabbit but not good for them.
Is Oak Leaf bad for rabbits?
- Yes, it is bad for rabbits.
- It contains tearing and internal lacerations.
Is Banana good for rabbits?
- Banana is good for health.
- Banana peels are practically safe too.
- Feeding an excessive amount of banana one time is not likely to purpose any lasting damage.
- Especially banana is much higher in calories and sugar than the ideal rabbit foods.
- Bananas contain a small quantity of fiber, but it’s miles minuscule in comparison to the fiber content material of the meals that they have to be ingesting.
- Bananas are safe for rabbits as a rare treat.
Is Banana bad for rabbits?
- Regularly giving banana in excess, however, can cause some health problems.
- Banana can easily cause them to become overweight or obese.
- It causes digestive problems like diarrhea, constipation or cercal problems.
- They are suddenly starting refusing food and water.
- Feeding too many bananas may also spoil them.
- They more likely to lose interest in hay and leafy greens.
Is Carrot good for rabbits?
- Carrot is good for health.
- Carrot tops good for rabbits.
- Carrot is more like a sugary treat for them.
Is Carrot bad for rabbits?
- Carrots are high in sugar.
- It is also dangerous for their internal health.
- It can cause them to develop tooth decay.
Is Basil good for rabbits?
- Basil is good for rabbits.
- It is one kind of herb as what rabbits established earlier.
- It is being considered as a good choice for feeding rabbits.
- It is highly recommended to include food.
- It does not contain fat.
- It is extremely low in sugar and it is good for digestion.
Is Basil bad for rabbits?
- It is not bad for rabbits.

Is Kiwi good for rabbits?
- Kiwi is good for rabbits.
- It is absolutely delicious and rabbits would likely agree.
- Its nontoxic food for rabbits.
- This food is not technically toxic and will not cause kidney or liver failure.
- Kiwi has a great deal of sugar.
Is Kiwi bad for rabbits?
- I do not feed kiwi sparingly then it is bad for rabbit health.
- Kiwi has too much sugar and it is the bad thing for the rabbit.
Sunflower Seeds
Is Sunflower Seed good for rabbits?
- Sunflower seed good for rabbits.
- This is a great winter tonic for rabbits.
- Sunflower seeds have thicker, tougher hulls, thinner shells and are more nutritious for rabbits.
- Sunflower seeds contain high ranges of protein are wealthy in diet E, Linoleic acid and provide an awesome supply of fiber.
- Sunflower seeds as a high source of energy during cold temperatures.
Is Sunflower Seed bad for rabbits?
If not properly digest, then it is bad for rabbits.
Is Dill good for rabbits?
- Dill is good for rabbits.
- Dill can actually make for a nice fresh snake for rabbits.
- Dill is an excellent treat, better than fruits or non-leafy vegetables.
- It is a better alternative.
- It is light in calories and fats or full of vitamin, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.
Is Dill bad for rabbits?
- It is not bad for rabbits.
Is Straw good for rabbits?
- Straw is good for rabbit’s health.
- Straw is full of nutritional goodness for rabbits.
- It is only good for bedding.
- Straw is probably a sensible choice as it is usually cheaper.
Is Straw bad for rabbits?
- Only had straw to eat would quickly get sick.
Is Oregano good for bunnies?
- Oregano is good for health.
- It is extremely low in sugar and it is good for digestion.
- Oregano actually makes for a nice fresh snake for rabbits.
- It is one kind of herb as what rabbits established earlier.
- It is are considered as a good choice for feeding rabbits.
Is Oregano bad for bunnies?
- Oregano is totally safe for rabbits.
- Oregano oils are bad for rabbits.
Is Hay good for rabbits?
- Hay is good for rabbit’s health.
- It is containing fiber and calcium.
- Hay is the basis for a healthy diet.
Is Hay bad for rabbits?
- It is also worn down rabbit’s teeth, which continuously grow.
- normal hay consumption facilitates prevent rabbits from developing sharp hooks on their teeth recognize as molar spurs which can be very painful.
Quaker Oats
Is Quaker Oat good for rabbits?
- Quaker oats good for rabbit’s health.
- It is the most important of a rabbit’s diet.
Is Quaker Oat bad for rabbits?
- It is the most important of a rabbit’s diet.
- Quaker oats good for rabbit’s health.

Is strawberry good for rabbits?
- Strawberry is good for rabbits.
- Strawberry provide a sweet, soft, and juicy treat for rabbits.
- It is best to keep them as special treats for rabbits.
- Strawberries are non-toxic for rabbits.
- Most rabbits are able to digest them.
- Strawberries are a good source of vitamin c and antioxidants.
Is strawberry bad for rabbits?
- It is also high in sugar and difficult for rabbits to digest.
- Large quantities or frequent feeding of strawberry may cause serious gastrointestinal or weight problems.
Is Bread good for rabbits?
- Yes, bread is good for rabbit’s health.
- It can seem like an easy and simple thing to feed a rabbit as a snake.
Is Bread bad for rabbits?
- Bread is high carbohydrates and starch; things rabbits will get sick if they eat too much.
- Bread really doesn’t serve a purpose in the diet of a rabbit.
Is Fruit good for rabbits?
- Fruits are good for rabbit’s health.
- Rabbits love their food and enjoy fresh fruits.
- Fruits as a part of a balanced diet for rabbits.
- Fruits should be feed in moderation due to sugar content.
- Fruits portion of the diet as part of developing a close bond with rabbits and also make sure he has an appetite every day.
Is Fruit bad for rabbits?
- Rabbits love fruit and will eat too much of it, which is bad for them.
Is Mint good for rabbits?
- Mint is good for rabbit’s health.
- Fresh mint can do a good job of adding some needed variety in the diet.
- It is containing as well as extra vitamins and minerals.
- Mint can be a nice healthy snack for rabbits.
Is Mint bad for rabbits?
- Also, mint can help with some digestive problems.
- Too much mint could have some negative effects.
- If give rabbit large amount of mint, rabbit may suffer from diarrhea or vomiting.
Is Almond good for rabbits?
- Almonds are excessive in proteins.
- Almonds are relatively low in sugar.
IS Almond bad for rabbits?
- Almonds are not the best thing for feed the rabbits.
- Thinks like almonds are excessive in fats.
- Rabbits will probably develop nutritional imbalances, potentially severe digestive problems and other health problems.
Dog Food
Is Dog Food good for rabbits?
- Dog food is unsafe for the rabbit.
- Rabbit can eat a small amount of dog food.
Is Dog Food bad for rabbits?
- Dog food is bad for rabbit’s health.
- Dog food contains such elements that are bad for rabbits and their health.
- Rabbits are herbivores and high protein products are not the most nutritious food option for them.
- Dog food is fat as well as carbohydrates in the form of grains, usual corn.
- A rabbit’s consumption of excessive levels of protein can lead to kidney damage.
Is Daisies good for rabbits?
- Daisies is good for rabbit’s health.
- Rabbits love their food and enjoy fresh Daisies.
- Daisies units as a part of a balanced diet for rabbits.
Is Daisies bad for rabbits?
- Daisies should be feed in moderation due to sugar content.
- Daisies portion of the diet as part of developing a close bond with rabbits and also make sure he has an appetite every day.
Apple Cores

Is Apple Core good for rabbits?
- Apple cores contain cyanide which is deadly and harmful.
- The apple core can contain cyanogenic glycosides.
Is Apple Core bad for rabbits?
- Apple core is bad for rabbit’s health.
- Apple cores are really poisonous.
- Apple cores contain cyanide which is deadly and harmful.
- The apple core can contain cyanogenic glycosides.
Ice Cream
Is Ice Cream good for rabbits?
- No, ice cream is not good for rabbits.
Is Ice Cream bad for rabbits?
- Ice cream is unsafe for rabbits.
- Ice cream also contains a lot of sugar, which would be bad for rabbit’s teeth.
Is Escarole good for rabbits?
- It is extremely low in sugar and it is good for digestion.
- Escarole actually make for a nice fresh snake for rabbits.
Is Escarole bad for rabbits?
- It is one kind of herb as what rabbits established earlier.
- It is are considered as a good choice for feeding rabbits.
- Escarole is good for health.
Is Cabbage good for rabbits?
- Yes, cabbage is good for rabbits.
- It should be fed in few amount.
- It contains vital nutrients for your bunny.
- Cabbage Leaf also good for the rabbit.
Is Cabbage bad for rabbits?
- It is not bad for rabbits.
- A large amount of cabbage is bad for rabbits.
Is Pineapple good for rabbits?
- Pineapple is good for rabbits.
- Pineapple provide a sweet, soft, and juicy treat for rabbits.
- It is best to keep them as special treats for rabbits.
Is Pineapple bad for rabbits?
- Pineapple is non-toxic for rabbits.
- Most rabbits are able to digest them.
- Pineapple is a good source of vitamin c and antioxidants.
Is Leek good for rabbits?
- Leek and other fresh vegetables can do a good job of adding some needed variety in the diet, as well as extra vitamins and minerals.
- Yes but just make sure to makes convinced your rabbit is eating profusion of high eminence.
- Leek timothy hay as a priority, and feed the mint in moderation.
Is Leek bad for rabbits?
- Leek are high in sugar.
- It is also dangerous for their internal health.
- It can cause them to develop tooth decay.

Is Nuts good for rabbits?
- Rabbits are inflexible herbivores, and in nature, they rarely get outgrowth, nuts or other such fatty, prudish foods.
- The complex flora of the mecums can quickly become precariously imbalanced if too much simple, palatable carbohydrate is consumed–especially if the diet is in general low in fiber.
Is Nuts bad for rabbits?
- Especially if the diet is generally low in fiber.
Corn Husks
Is Corn Husks good for rabbits?
- It does seem like a good source of fiber, however.
- I did read this just now from
Is Corn Husks bad for rabbits?
- I would not give them corn husks for two reasons.
- First, they are very stringy.
Is Fennel good for rabbits?
- Fiber is the main reason why rabbits need to eat a lot of hay.
- So if you are apprehensive that your rabbit isn’t eating an adequate amount of hay, and therefore not getting adequate amounts of fiber, fennel is a great ordinary adding together to the diet.
- As with all herbs and pretty much everything, too much of a good thing can be bad.
Is Fennel bad for rabbits?
- Fiber is the main reason why rabbits need to eat a lot of hay.
- As with all herbs and pretty much everything, too much of a good thing can be bad.
Hamster Food
Is Hamster Food good for rabbits?
- This means high-quality timothy hay, quality rabbit pellets, as well as fresh and clean water changed daily.
- In addition, fresh veggies or herbs fed in moderation, and the occasional small piece of fruit can be fed as a treat.
Is Hamster Food bad for rabbits?
- Hamsters don’t follow this plan exactly, so its best not to feed a rabbit hamster food.
Alfalfa Sprouts
Is Alfalfa Sprout good for rabbits?
- Appletree twigs also provide good roughage, just be sure to let them dry for three months before given them to your bunny.
Is Alfalfa Sprout bad for rabbits?
- There is a side effect if too much simple, digestible carbohydrate is consumed.
- Especially if the diet is generally low in fiber.
Kale Stems
Is Kale Stems good for rabbits?
- Kale stems is not good for rabbits.
- Only kale is good for rabbits.
Is Kale Stems bad for rabbits?
- Kale stems are bad for rabbits.
- Stems removed from kale while providing food to rabbits.
Italian Parsley
Is Italian Parsley good for rabbits?
- It is good for rabbits.
- As it contains high oxalates and goitrogens it should feed sparingly.
Is Italian Parsley bad for rabbits?
- No, it is not bad for rabbits.
Is Spinach good for rabbits?
- Yes, it is good for rabbits but you should be aware of oxalates.
- It contains high levels of oxalic acid.
- It should give a rabbit a few amount.
Is Spinach bad for rabbits?
- Spinach is not bad for rabbits but eating too much is harmful to rabbits.
- It should have fed sparingly to your rabbits.
Is Potato good for rabbits?
- Potato is not good for rabbits.
- Thought it is not harmful to rabbits but it does not have any positive impact on rabbits diet.
Is Potato bad for rabbits?
- Yes, Potato is bad for rabbits as it rich in starch that can cause diarrhea and stomach upset.
- Potato should be avoided.
Bell Peppers
Is Bell Pepper good for rabbits?
- Bell papers is good for rabbit’s health.
- They are good vegetable in your rabbit’s diet.
- They are a little acidic and a hint of phosphorus but they also have plenty of vitamin c.
Is Bell Pepper bad for rabbits?
- No, it is not bad for the rabbit.
- It is a healthy die for rabbit’s.
Is Peanuts good for rabbits?
- No peanut is not a good choice for rabbits.
- It contains high fat.
- A limited amount of peanut is needed for the sick rabbit for keeping weight.
Is Peanuts bad for rabbits?
- Yes, it is bad for rabbits.
- Peanuts potentially causing health problems if overfed.

Is Meat good for rabbits?
- No meat is not good for rabbits.
- Meat contains high protein and fat and doesn’t contain any fiber.
- A small amount of meat can harm your rabbit health.
Is Meat bad for rabbits?
- Yes, it is bad for rabbits.
- The digestive system is very poor.
- The continuous habit of meat causes serious life-threatening.
Red Peppers
Is Red Pepper good for rabbits?
- Yes, red peppers are good for rabbits.
- Just feed this in moderation.
- It is a good source of vitamin A.
Is Red Pepper bad for rabbits?
- No red pepper is not bad for rabbits.
Is Rose good for rabbits?
- No, it is not good for rabbits.
Is Rose bad for rabbits?
- Yes, it is bad for rabbits.
- It can damage canes or stems.
Is Date good for rabbits?
- No, the date is not good for rabbits.
- Date contains sodium, sugar, phosphorus, acidic content, fibre and fat.
- Little nimble of one date is accepted for feeding rabbits.
Is Date bad for rabbits?
- Yes, the date is bad for rabbits.
- Because of a large amount of sugar and lots of phosphorus rabbits cannot eat dates.
- It is just too sweet for rabbits to feed.
Is Wood good for rabbits?
- Yes, wood is good for rabbits.
- Because of chewing habit and keeping their teeth trimmed and healthy wood is a natural and a popular choice for the rabbit.
- Sticks, logs, twigs, and shred these types of wood are suitable for the rabbit.
- Some types of trees wood also good for rabbits- Ash, apple, birch, hazel, hawthorn, juniper, maple, pear, poplar, willow, and spruce.
Is Wood bad for rabbits?
- Wood is not bad for rabbits.
- All types of wood are not safe for rabbits.
- Avocado, apricot, cherry or peach trees wood must be avoided.
Is Vegetable good for rabbits?
- Yes, the vegetable is good for rabbits.
- The vegetable is the first and foremost choice for the rabbit.
- Vegetables contains Vitamin A, B, C and D.
- Vegetables also provide nutrients, tastes, and different textures.
- There are some vegetables that are good for rabbits: Asparagus, artichoke Leaf, Baby sweetcorn’s, beetroot, broccoli, Brussel, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, celery Leaf, chicory, courgette, cucumber, curly kale, fennel, green beans, kohi rabi, peas, peppers(red, green and yellow), pumpkin, radish tops, rocket, romaine lettuce, spinach, spring greens, squash, swede, turnip and watercress.
Is Vegetable bad for rabbits?
- No vegetable is not bad for rabbits.

Is Watermelon good for rabbits?
- Yes, it is good for rabbits but only in small quantity.
- Watermelon contains high sugar and increased amounts of citrulline amino acid.
- It can be a nutritious food for the rabbit.
- It is a supplementary of Vitamins A, C, and minerals.
- It contains choline that improves muscle movement and sleep.
Is Watermelon bad for rabbits?
- No, watermelon is not bad for rabbits.
- Watermelon seeds are bad for rabbits.
Is Radish good for rabbits?
- Yes, radish is good for rabbits.
- It contains minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals that are helpful for rabbit health.
- Do not overfeed radish to your rabbit.
Is Radish bad for rabbits?
- No radish is not bad for rabbits.
- But too much radish may cause serious health harm to rabbits.
Are Blackberries good for rabbits?
- Yes, blackberries are good for rabbits.
- Blackberries leave to have a good amount of astringent properties that is very much good for rabbits to eat.
Are Blackberries bad for rabbits?
- No, Blackberries is not bad for rabbits.
Is Popcorn good for rabbits?
- No, it is not good for rabbits.
- Though it has no toxic; it should be avoiding to feed your rabbit.
Is Popcorn bad for rabbits?
- Yes, it is bad for rabbits.
- It can cause your rabbit digestive distress problem.
- It does not provide any nutritious benefit.
- Unnecessary weight loss can occur.
Orange Peel
Is Orange Peel good for rabbits?
- Yes, orange peel is good for rabbits.
- Some veterinarians provide a positive opinion to feed your rabbit orange peels.
- Give your rabbit little amount of orange peel.
Is Orange Peel bad for rabbits?
- No, orange peel is not bad for rabbits.
Is Rhubarb good for rabbits?
- No, it is not good for rabbits.
Is Rhubarb bad for rabbits?
- Yes, it is bad for rabbits.
- It is poisonous.
- Rabbit can have serious health issues like diarrhea, abdominal tenderness, appetite loss, lethargy and severe dehydration.
- Sometimes death can occur.
Turnip Greens
Is Turnip Green good for rabbits?
- Yes, it is good for rabbits.
- Rabbits can eat turnip greens.
- It can make a nice snack for your rabbit.
- Just feed it in moderation.
Is Turnip Green bad for rabbits?
- No, it is not actually bad for rabbits.
Is Fig good for rabbits?
- No, the fig is not good for rabbits.
- It contains too much sugar and very acidic.
Is Fig bad for rabbits?
- Yes, it is bad for rabbits.
- It contains too much phosphorus, sodium calcium, fat.
Lemon Balm
Is Lemon Balm good for rabbits?
- Yes, lemon balm is good for rabbits.
- These herbs are safe for rabbits.
Is Lemon Balm bad for rabbits?
- No, it is not bad for rabbits.
- Too much lemon balm causes sensitive digestive tracts.
Fig Leaf
Is Fig Leaf good for rabbits?
- No, fig Leaf are not good for rabbits.
Is Fig Leaf bad for rabbits?
- Yes, fig Leaf are bad for rabbits.
Is Broccoli good for rabbits?
- Yes, the broccoli is good for rabbits.
Is Broccoli bad for rabbits?
- No broccoli is not bad for rabbits.

Is Parsley good for rabbits?
- Yes, parsley is the good snack for rabbits.
- Many rabbits like to eat parsley.
- It should be fed in a limited.
- It should be fed as a supplementary food.
Is Parsley bad for rabbits?
- No, it is not bad for rabbits.
Is Cilantro good for rabbits?
- Rabbits can eat cilantro.
- It should be fed in moderation.
- Healthy adult rabbit need is very high cilantro.
Is Cilantro bad for rabbits?
- No, it is really not bad for rabbits.
Is Raisin good for rabbits?
- Yes, raisin is good for rabbit’s health.
- Rabbits love it very much.
- As raisins have a great deal of sugar so too much Is going to serious digestive issues.
Is Raisin bad for rabbits?
- Feeding too much raising is bad for rabbits.
- Cause digest system problem.
Pumpkin Seeds
Is Pumpkin Seed good for rabbits?
- Yes, it is good for rabbits.
- Raw, unshelled pumpkin seeds also good for rabbits.
- Especially in calcium issues, it is must need for rabbits
Is Pumpkin Seed bad for rabbits?
- No, it is not bad for rabbits.
- It is totally safe for your rabbit though it is high in fat.
Is Thyme good for rabbits?
- Thyme is really a good food for rabbits.
- It can help to prevent critical health conditions of rabbits.
- Thyme is a great treatment for all digestive issues.
- Diarrhea treatment is very good.
Is Thyme bad for rabbits?
- No, thyme is not a bad for rabbits.

Is Walnut good for rabbits?
- No, it is not good for rabbit’s health.
- Walnuts have high in fats.
- Excessive fed cause digestive issues to your rabbit.
Is Walnut bad for rabbits?
- Yes, it is really bad for rabbits.
- It contains high calories that are really bad for rabbits.
Is Garlic good for rabbits?
- No, it is not good for rabbits.
Is Garlic bad for rabbits?
- Yes, it is bad for rabbits.
- It is mainly used for medicinal purposes.
- Garlic has an immunosuppressive effect in rabbits.
- Rabbits may have an anaphylactic reaction.
Maple Leaf
Is Maple Leave good for rabbits?
- Sugar maple and silver maple are safe for rabbits.
- And maple Leaf is also safe for the rabbit.
Is Maple Leave bad for rabbits?
- No, it is not bad for rabbits.
- But red maple Leaf contains toxic.
Rabbits can be very crafty and quick. From these rabbit eating habit list, anyone can have a clear idea about what rabbit-like and dislike, what types of food, fruits and vegetables are relays good for your rabbit health and what is really bad for your rabbits.