How Does Bug Zapper Work? Does It Kill bug?
Bugs are part of the environment. But some of them love to live near to human society. These bugs bite on the skin of humans and animals.

Their saliva flows through the blood of the host. Thus, humans mean we get diseases and other issues. So, preventing or killing these bugs are needed. The bug zapper is the device which helps in this case.
The bug zapper is an electronic device. It looks like a lamp which has a flashlight that emits visible and Ultraviolet ray. There is an electric field or grid surrounded by this light. More than 120 V electricity flows through the wire if the electrical field. The whole structure is caged by a plastic box.
Did you know How Does Bug Zapper Work? Bug zapper use Ultraviolet ray to attract the bugs! Share on XBugs such as ants, flies, mosquitos, etc. get attracted to the UV light. When they approach to the light, the high voltage current of electricity sends them facing death. The size of the bug zapper is small like the old lantern in the house.
Generally, the user needs to put it any corner of the room where the bugs are more in number. He needs to put in a place where there’s less light. Because this zapper works best at night or under a shadowy place, when you want to use the bug zapper under sunlight or at daytime, you will see the device isn’t working properly.
Bug zappers are popular as they help to reduce the annoying bugs. They can kill bugs, especially the biting insects and household bugs. Non-biting bugs are least attracted to a bug zapper. When the bugs get electrocuted, there will be a sound like “zzzzz” or “zap.” That’s why this device is called the bug zapper. They are available in different size and design.