5 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Roaches
Nothing To Ignore
Insects are like organic Roombas.
Here’s the thing about a Roomba: it’s a simple machine. If it finds stairs, you’ll lose your robotic vacuum.
It does what it’s programmed to do, and then it stops. Roaches are similar.
They’re garbage processing “machines” on a cycle.
they eat to build up virility to mate, mate, then eat some more to do it again.
Roach offspring can be extremely numerous.
If you let just a couple roaches alone in your basement, the little pests can compound until they’ve mostly consumed everything.
But pesticides, chemicals, and other means of destroying the bugs can be unhealthy.
You don’t want roach poison somehow getting into drinking water or food.
Following we’ll explore five ways to naturally get rid of roaches without having to deal with any chemical issues.
Some are pretty straightforward; some are a bit unexpected. Let’s get started.

1. Clean Like Your Life Depends On It – It May
Roaches can bring disease to your home. They eat garbage and trail it every which way.
If it’s hot, the nasty creatures even fly around, spreading the detritus they’ve accumulated all over the place.
This is surely intolerable. So get on your hands and knees, and clean the house.
- sweep
- mop
- wipe
- spray
get in the habit of swiftly throwing garbage away. Clean everything.
2. Seal Entry Points: Cracks, Holes, Etc.
As you clean,
you’ll find how the little blighters are getting in your home. Sometimes they come through cracks.
They’ll smell garbage and be drawn in like one of those old clown hobos out of cartoons which used to steal pies from windows.
The point is, find out where they’re coming in, and make sure you clog all those areas up to prevent them from doing so.
3. Bait For The Roaches
This site provides a roach bait recipe you might consider.
you put boric acid and sugar together. Three parts boric acid, one part sugar.
Sugar is the lure, boric acid the killer. It’s not toxic to pets and people, but boric acid can be a real irritant.
Be sure to put this solution in the right place. Back behind the fridge, under the stove; put it where they hide.
4. Freeze ‘Em Out
Below forty-five degrees Fahrenheit, roaches just can’t “hang”.
They won’t die immediately, but they will slow down, quit reproducing, and eventually, if they don’t find heat, they’ll kick the bucket.
Are you in New York? You’ve got vacation options in Florida, right?
Head down there for a week or two in January and leave your apartment window open during a cold spell—just be sure to turn off all the water, or you’ll freeze the pipes, and they’ll burst.
Not everyone’s got this option, but if you can, cold under forty-five degrees or heat over one hundred and fifteen degrees is exceptionally damaging to roaches;
but you’ve got to keep that temperature level for a sustained period.
5. Soap And Shoes
Insects breathe through their skin. Soap up roach and you suffocate him. Soap is an organic substance that’s pretty clear;
if you know where they are, you might soap the heck out of their nest at intervals.
you can always just step on them when you see them; shoes are natural and quite effective against roaches!

Evicting The Roaches
There are many other ways to destroy cockroaches naturally. Consultation with professionals like the ones at Aptive can help you find techniques that fit you.
Organic Lesson has some useful information to explore how to get rid of roaches.
One thing’s sure: you can’t let them be. Their ecological function is to “recycle” organic waste.
This is why they breed in poverty and dumps. They’re just doing their thing. If you don’t address them, they will multiply, spread disease, and reduce property value.