Chemical Compound Used For Killing Pest – The Ultimate Truth
The chemical compound used for killing pest is commonly known as pesticides. These compounds can be organic and non-organic. Depending on these compounds, the toxicity, performance of a pesticide is determined.

Non-organic pesticides contain a different type of chemical compounds. These are more effective than organic compounds but riskier to apply. Direct contact can bring different health issues to users.
#Chemical Compound Used For Killing Pest. @hoofiablog Share on XChlorinated hydrocarbons are popular synthetic pesticide compounds. DDT, BHC, lindane, dieldrin, chlorobenzilate, heptachlor, Methoxychlor, cyclodienes, etc. are some of the chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Parathion and malathion, diazinon, naled, methyl parathion, dichlorvos, etc. are organophosphates to create pesticides. Carbamyl, methomyl, carbofuran, etc. carbamates are rapidly detoxified.
However, the manufacturers are keeping themselves busy in using biodegradable, natural, and organic formula. Because the compounds of the pesticides can be harmful to us as well as the environment. Organic pesticides are made from plant oils, fatty acids from the animals.